Training the Next Generation (designers, engineers, marketers) in innovation processes through a comprehensive theoretical and practical approach to global design.
Process Design & Innovation
Learn the complete process design and innovation methods through a comprehensive program that covers theory and practical application.
Key Points
Understanding a project brief, design thinking process, market analysis, benchmarking and mapping, trend analysis, ideation phase, concept development, project argumentation and presentation…
Incremental Innovation
From theory to practice: managing and guiding multi-participant projects focused on improving product value.
Key Points
Evaluating a project brief, immersion phase, skills assessment, market understanding, relevance of creativity, oral presentation skills…
Disruptive Innovation
From theory to practice: managing and guiding multi-participant projects on the evolution of usage patterns and consumer habits.
Key Points
Analytical ability, immersion phase, skills assessment, understanding societal trends, relevance of research avenues, oral presentation skills…
Workshop: Startup Project
From theory to practice: managing and guiding Startup projects to introduce students to entrepreneurship.
Key Points
Market analysis, ability to define a problem and an offer, business model, relevance of creative solutions, idea development, presentation pitch…